Sunday, October 27, 2019

Week 10 October 27 - Nov 1 . POP OUT GIMP

GIMP - POP Out Effect  2 IMages

Here is my first attempt at the Pop Out effect. I failed in two areas. 
1st I did not recognize that when I moved my top image that it
 did not fit in the phone screen all the way. 
2nd I had way too many things to try to curve around. 
Start with something easy.


Here is an example of one that worked better.


Step by Step instructions…..
Example Video….. POP OUT
Another Example   Pop OUt

1  Import background picture. For this example, 
the import is the picture of a cell phone.

2  Click on the image of the cell phone in the layer toolbar box to
 the right while holding down the control key of the keyboard 
and select ADD ALPHA CHANNEL. This will give you transparency
 beneath the current image.

3  Select the  Paths tool

4  You will be going around the image of the cell phone screen clicking
 on the mouse twice at each corner.  To close the path you will hold 
down the  Command Key on your keyboard and click your mouse
 in the original path click you made. This will complete the selection.

5  You will now make adjustments to each curve at each corner. 
It is best to zoom in on the corners while you make these changes. 
 When complete go back to the magnification you began with.

6  Select Return on the keyboard, this will make the selection look
 like marching ants Dotted line.

7  Once selection made, go to EDIT pull-down Menu, select CLEAR. 
You should now have a blank screen.

8 Now select Select pull-down Menu, select NONE. 
This will remove the dotted line.

9 If you would like to use this image again. 
SAVE NOW - Do a SAVE AS and save  as an XCF
 file to your desktop.

10 Go Find the image you like to use as the feature image.

11  Drag the image from the desktop to the GIMP image

12  Then click and drag the image icon in the layer toolbar 
 placing it below the phone icon.

13  Click back on the phone layer and take 
the opacity down to 50 % or so.

14  Click back on the subject photo and then click 
on the move button in the toolbar and move 
the photo into a position that you like so it is coming out of the screen.

15  Using the Paths tool again go around the subject you want to 
appear to be sticking out of the camera.

16  Remember to close the loop by clicking on the start point and
clicking command and click the mouse. The entire object you went
around should now have a continuous line around it.

17  You can now go between each circle object and smooth
 out the curves like above.

18  Select Return on the keyboard, this will make the selection
 look like marching ants Dotted line.

19  Once selection made, go to the EDIT pull-down Menu,
 select CLEAR. You should now have a blank screen.

20  Now select Select pull-down Menu, select NONE. 
This will remove the dotted line.

21  You should now be complete, let me know
 of any problems, you may have.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Week 9 Oct 21-25

This week.....Cont. in GIMP

Student Work: Out of Bounds

Student Work Other - Billboard and Multiple Me!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

10/17 10:17 Ca. Shake OUt

Today we had an earthquake drill. Duck and cover!

GIMP 3D Out of Bounds

Gimp: 3D

Work with Gimp creating a 3D Out of Bounds effect on an image or two.  For the work I would like you to use a Tutorial I found on Youtube by a young lady who goes by SOUL.
Click for link:  3D Out of Bounds

Option 2 - Using two images to make a 3D effect. Click for video 2 Images 3D Video

Please note:  I will provide support but you must follow the steps on the Youtube Video and post here.

See Example Below:

From this photo

To this photo!
Teacher Notes:  Below are the steps of the Tutorial. They may not make sense to you with the tutorial going in the background, but helpful as a step by step instruction.

Gimp Out of Bounds Effect  3D Effect

1  Open image in gimp.
2. Create a new layer by going to “Layer”, ‘new layer’ and set it to transparency.
3. Select the ‘Rectangle Select Tool” and use it to create a frame.
4. Create the border of the frame by going to  ‘select’ ‘border’ and then set the size of the border. In this example, the author uses 20 and select OK. I like smaller numbers it all depends on the size of your image.
5  Select the Bucket Fill tool from the Toolbox and fill the frame with color.
6. Go to ‘select’ ‘none’ to remove the selection and then:

7.  Use the Perspective tool to edit the frame.
8.  Decrease the opacity of the frame and then use the ‘erase tool’ to erase the on top of the person or item you want to be coming out of the frame. You may need to change the size of the eraser to do this. Increase the opacity of the frame back to 100%. Note: You may want to change the eraser and eraser size and the percentage size of the photo for erasure accuracy.
9. When done increase the opacity back to 100%.
10  Now select the layer of the photo and erase the background.
Note: The erased color will be filled with the 2nd selected color, but if you want a transparent background then go to: ‘layer’, transparency’, ‘add alpha channel’ Also note that sometimes the "Layer" dialogue box gets closed:  To open it go to: Windows, recently closed and open "Histogram" Another option is to go to: "Windows"  'Dockable Dialogues' and select layers.

11.  You are done. Export the image. If the period ends before you are done "Save" your project so you can begin where you left off on the previous day. Title the project '3D'

Past student work!!

Margarita Morales

Anthony Seeburger

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Week 8 October 14-19 Billboard

This week we will continue with GIMP. We will be taking some of our modified photos and placing them into billboards.  More on that.....

This week .....Tuesday we will be going to Olvera Street in downtown LA via Metrolink.


Project Billboard

1. Open the image provide of the billboard in GIMP
2. Find an image of your choice and open it in GIMP
3. Most of the time the student image is significantly larger than the billboard image so we need to reduce the image. to reduce image select "image" and "scale image". change the size to be 300 pixels wide by "use chain" to automatically resize the height.
More info to come....

Thursday, October 10, 2019


The project was similar to the others. Pick a photo that has crazy colors, turn the image into black and white and then add some of the colors back into it.

Color Me