Monday, September 30, 2019

Week 6 Sept 30 - Oct 4

Week 6 September 30 - October 4

Computer Classes

Multiple Me Photos- In class this week we will take a series of photos of each of you, then combine all of the photos of yourself into one photo.


Construction Classes

This week we will begin the actual construction of the Tiny Home. We will install the floor insulation and floor deck.

Farm Classes

This week we will complete the construction of the raised garden planters.  The class will then wrap the interior of the planters with heavy building material and set the planters in place.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Week 5 Q1 September 23-27

Week 5 September 23-27.

DUE on Friday Sept. 27th

1. Week #5  Blog Write up. (write about what you did in class this week)
2. 8 photos.  Place the 8 photos you took while in class and indicate which is which.
3. Participation. We did go out to the garden and helped the garden class with the planters and got some dirt for the lizards we have in the classroom.

Farm. P1&7 Outside working on raised garden planters.

Construction. P4 &5  Design phase of the tiny home.
As a class go over requirements for the underbelly of the trailer, insulation of the floor, moisture barrier and plywood installation.


8 types of photos
Time to finish three video editing projects

Google Draw: Take a photograph and convert to a sketch in your own hands!


Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 4 September 16 - 20

Week 4

For most of the classes, we were out in the farm preparing for fall/winter planting.

Cont. weeding garden.
Installed two composting bins
Created two new chicken coops within the one large existing coop. This actually created 3 areas.
Built and installed a 3' x 8' raised garden bed.

Computer class cont.  working on one of the three projects that they have going.
1. 10 image movie
2. This now in movie
3. The 20-second intro movie

Construction Class

In addition to the above work, the construction class is involved with the design for a new tiny home.

Farm Class
In addition to the above work, the farm class continues the collection of eggs and cleaning of the coop and surrounding area.

Students cleaning the chicken cage on campus. The newest baby chicks born on Sept 11th were now moved from within the classroom to outside and the outside baby chicks from August have been moved into the new coop area.

Oh, and we had two guests join us for a couple of days. They are now in Mrs. Havers science classroom.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week 3 September 9-13

For the most part this week all of my classes will continue to assist my farm class in bringing the garden/farm back up to its immaculate standards we kept all school year. The garden got a bit ahead of us this summer.

The computers classes will continue working on the 10 image color video and the late breaking news video on days the days we stay in class.

The construction classes will continue helping out on the farm with the installation of a new sink in the kitchen area of the farm, installation of new wood pallet door for the entry to the farm area, the installation of a new composter made out of pallets, lining of the raised garden to prepare for stinging.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week 2 Sept 2 - 6

Week 2 of Quarter 1. September 2 -6

Monday Labor Day Holiday!

Tuesday - Friday

Farm - Cont. Weed abatement and organizing the farm area.

Construction - Measurement, Scale, Drawing

Computers - Intro to video editing using iMovie

Movie 1 - "Color"
Movie 2 - "Late Breaking"