Monday, August 31, 2020

New Blog Page Created for the 2021 School Year

  For the latest happenings at HHS go to:

A Staff photo from Aug 2019 way back at the beginning of this school year. Note this was the year COVID hit the nation on March 14, 2020. The at-school attendance was shut down and school was done virtually from computers, Chromebooks, and cell phones. This event will have an effect on the nation for years to come both educationally and politically.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

First non incubator hatching on the HHS Farm!

Today one of the hens who has been broody for quite some time hatched one of the eggs under her!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The 2020 Summer School Harvest

We have been harvesting green beans, corn, potatoes, cucumbers, and onions for the past two weeks.   The chickens produced 555 eggs last month, a school record! We had approx. 35 hens producing.

Rockstars Image added to the Chicken Trailer

During the Covid break from in-person learning at school, someone cut a hole in the back fence.  The hole allowed access for some coyotes to get onto the campus.  As a result, we lost three roosters.  We lost Godfather, Rockstar, and PIP.  Godfather was a big white and black Brahma rooster that greeted everyone or liked to chase them.  Rockstar was the orange polish rooster and PIP was the solid black rooster.  The long-term sub for Mrs. Haver, Mrs. Cazarez created a design of Rockstar.  I used the design and painted the image of Rockstar on the portable chicken trailer.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hillside High

I love this mural painting on my room window that was done by members of the HHS leadership and art class!

Friday, June 12, 2020

The 2019-2020 Academic School Year is officially Over

For the final time of the 2020 academic school year. A message from Mr. D Connor. Hawk Pride

We say goodbye to Mr. Mitch Gold (History), Mrs. Stephanie Kinzle (Records & Attendance), and Mr. Keith Broadway (Proctor). All three are retiring today.  We also said goodbye to Mrs. Rachel Haver (Science)  who on February 1, 2020, moved to central California and continues teaching science at a continuation high school there.

I don't think anyone who participated in the 2019-2020 academic school year will ever forget the year. On March 13, 2020 teachers and staff of the UUSD were notified that for the remainder of the school year it would all be distance learning due to the Coronavirus that was making headway into the United States from China and Europe.

Many things that usually happened during the fourth quarter was cancelled this year.  One thing that comes to my mind was soccer.  For the past five years HHS had participated in the IVL. This year the basketball season was cut short and the soccer season was cancelled all together.   There also was a series of tests that the Juniors usually took and those were cancelled as well.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Beard Update

So much has happened since March 13, 2020. COVID and BLM....

I started my beard in February. At the end of February, I contracted something that made me miss an entire week of school from March 2 through 6.  Mrs. Boswell and Mrs. Hernandez were all out that week.  The week prior Mrs. Garcia and Mrs. Cazarez were out Thursday and Friday. They were troopers trying to hang in. To date, none were tested for COVID.